BDR Is The New Department Name For TADA & TRPMO!

March 8, 2012

TADA/TRPMO/DMCC Announce Name Change

ITN leadership strives to maintain organizational structure and operations based on our current model, while continuing to seek new strategies for improvement. We’ve spent a lot of time and effort reorganizing the ITN to be efficient and forward-focused—specifically in relation to the recent TADA/TRPMO department merger. To finalize the process of integrating these two units, a new department name was needed.  Additionally, the combined TADA/TRPMO/DMCC groups have been operating without a common title that represents the work they do.

We solicited your suggestions and have just selected a new name that is functionally explicit to both internal staff, as well as to external audiences who aren’t entirely familiar with the ITN.  Effective immediately, TADA/TRPMO/DMCC together will be called  “Biomarker & Discovery Research” or ”BDR.”  Same people, same location, same contact information -  just under a singular, new department name.  Please adjust your records accordingly.

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