Last Patient In Greenbaum IL2-Rapa Combination Study Completed Primary Endpoint Visit

November 7, 2011

The last patient to enroll in the IL2-Rapa combination trial in type 1 diabetes (Greenbaum) completed their final study visit in September. A total of 9 subjects enrolled in the trial and the primary endpoint milestone for all subjects has been met. The results of the primary endpoint data is expected by second quarter 2012.

This phase I study investigates whether combination therapy with IL-2 (Proleukin ®) and rapamycin (Rapamune ®) is safe and will arrest beta-cell destruction in subjects with recent-onset type 1 diabetes mellitus, thereby preserving the residual beta-cell mass and improving blood glucose control. The single arm and open-label trial was conducted at 3 clinical sites, led by protocol chair Dr. Carla Greenbaum at the Benaroya Research Institute in Seattle.

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