Recommendations of ITN/JDRF Combination Therapy Assessment Group Published

April 12, 2010

The recommendations of the ITN/JDRF Type 1 Diabetes Combination Therapy Assessment Group have been published in the May 2010 issue of Clinical & Experimental Immunology.

The assessment group convened mid-2009 to examine the opportunities and challenges in developing clinical investigations of combination therapies for new onset type 1 diabetes. The goals of the panel were to identify and prioritize the most promising of potential combination therapies and to develop a framework of potential initiatives that will accelerate their clinical development.

The ITN wishes to thank all those individuals who contributed to the assessment: Mark Atkinson, University of Florida; Philip Bernstein, Immune Tolerance Network; Jeffrey A. Bluestone, University of California, San Francisco; Andrew Chan, Genentech; Mario Ehlers, Immune Tolerance Network; Hideki Garren, Bayhill Therapeutics; Robert Goldstein, Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation International; Peter Gottlieb, University of Colorado; Maria Grazia-Roncarolo, San Raffaele Telethon Institute for Gene Therapy; Len Harrison, Walter & Eliza Hall Institute of Medical Research; Kevan Herold, Yale University; Scott Koenig, Macrogenics; Gerald Nepom, Benaroya Research Institute; Mark Peakman, King's College London; Bart Roep, Leiden University Medical Center; Teodora P. Staeva, Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation International; Roland Tisch, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill.

The manuscript is available on the CEI website or by request to

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